1.HFT may account for half of all equity trading (and much the same proportion of revenues) in New York and a quarter in London.
2.Nonetheless, he notes, they turn out on voting day in the same proportion as the rest of the population.
3.In other words, the same proportion of the total energy will be lost for a power-hungry plasma TV as for a tiny PDA.
4.But a large brown egg contains the exact same proportion of white and yolk, and the same nutrients, as a white egg.
5.The remunerations of the factors entering into marginal cost will not all change in the same proportion.
6.The bearing of a person has a magnetic personality. However, it is not with the same proportion with all.
7.Respondents in developed Asian countries are least so, with the same proportion indicating that climate change presents mostly risks.
8.Including Afghanistan and Pakistan on the Taliban support among the same proportion of 12%.
9.The same proportion of the US population now would be six million deaths.
10."[City and provincial hospitals] are very, very expensive. If we covered the same proportion of the cost, we would go bust, " Mr Wang says.